Welcome to Mobile Midwives!
We are a new organization that believes every woman deserves the highest quality care during pregnancy, birth, and beyond.
As a team of dedicated independent midwives, we understand the pressures that come with working within the NHS and the challenges that can arise from burnout and compromised care. That's why we made the bold decision to step outside of the system and create an organization that empowers both women and midwives.
At Mobile Midwives, we are passionate about providing personalized, holistic care that goes beyond the traditional approach. Many of us are skilled in additional therapies such as hypnobirthing, reflexology, and aromatherapy – tools that we often can’t use in the NHS, but that could greatly benefit women in their pregnancy journey. We’re not “tree-hugging hippies” or “renegades”; we’re professionals who care deeply about the well-being of every family we work with.
Our mission at Mobile Midwives is simple: connect women who are seeking personalized midwifery care with qualified, experienced independent midwives. Through our telephone and face to face services, women can access advice and support at any stage of their pregnancy or postpartum journey.
We also provide collective support / marketing and comradery for self-employed midwives, nurturing our community and offering a space where independent practitioners can thrive.
We’re starting in the London area, with plans to expand across the UK, and we’re actively forming partnerships with organizations that share our values and mission. If you’re a midwife who’s tired of compromising your care or a woman seeking more personalized support, we’re here for you.
Because you deserve the best in your pregnancy and we would love to work with you.
Speak to a midwife one to one over the phone.
30 mins
Have you got questions that start like this:
I want a ........
What are my options right now....
What do I need to know about....
My consultant said..... but I don't want to.
My last birth was ..........
Then this is for you. We will help answer questions you have, direct you to the RIGHT sources of information, help you understand choices and options and how to get what you want from the NHS system.
See a midwife in your own home, either during your pregnancy or after your birth.
No rush, no fuss.
Whether you have seen your NHS midwife or not, we are happy to visit to do an antenatal or postnatal appointment at home.
You can have a one off visit to discuss something specific
why not book a package of care?
Book an initial one to one telephone call with one of our midwives today.
Some of our independent midwives may have qualifications or be able to offer additional services, feel free to ask them about their skills. Such as:
Lactation Consultancy
Home birth support / Pool hire / Tens hire
in hospital birth support may be available if midwives still work with local NHS trusts.
advocacy services
Freebirth support / birth notification services.
Mobile Midwives Ltd advises all families to ensure that the midwife is registered and insured for the additional services being provided.
Find your passion again
Don't stress about paperwork
Lets grow our community
You deserve the best
Really serve your community.
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